‘Carnival ’99’ a mediocre mix of rock, country, reggae and bluegrass music

Holly Hanson

The String Cheese Incident (SCI) is a band originally from Crested Butte, Colo., according to their Web site.

I knew absolutely nothing about SCI when I got their CD. I decided I’d give them a try and see if their music was as fun as their name; it sure was. SCI’s music is a great way to relax and just have fun with music. Their CD, “Carnival ’99” is a “live double disc [that] features a collection of 1999’s choice highlights and presents listeners with the ‘ultimate incident,'” according to SCI’s Web site.

SCI’s sound incorporates jazz, classic rock ‘n’ roll, bluegrass, reggae and a country hoedown. Disc one sounds a lot like Santana meets country hoedown, while disc two incorporates a more jazzy feeling.

“Carnival ’99’s” disc one starts with instrumental music comparable to Classic rock – like Carlos Santana combined with a touch of jazz – and has a country hoedown sound and energy. The first three songs are all instrumental and are great. The music contains so much energy I was tempted to get up and dance.

“Take Five,” the fourth song on the disc, was the first to introduce lyrics to the album. This was not at all like the previous songs, but still good. “Take Five’s” sound was a lot like the Doobie Brothers’, but their vocals were not up to par. SCI provided great music, and are talented song writers, but their lyrics don’t quite live up to their music.

Disc Two from “Carnival ’99” incorporated a more jazzy and bluegrass sound to it. The third song, “Don’t Say – Birdland,” had a classic rock ‘n’ roll sound to it. I loved the combination of classic rock and bluegrass.

“Jellyfish,” number five on disc two, started out great. This song had a classic rock feel to it and even incorporated the organ. For a while, SCI sounded a bit like The Doors, before they ruined the song by telling a story in the middle of it. This story was never-ending.

This would have been my favorite song on the album, had it not contained the never-ending story. But to top that, it contained stupid humor as well.

My favorite song on the whole album was the “Drum Jam.” This song was exactly as it said, a drum jam. Not only were drums used, but also bongos and other percussion insruments. This song goes on for about six minutes straight and is a wonderful showcase of SCI’s talent and abilities as musicians.

SCI is a great band with great talent. Their name is fun, and so is their music. Look for more of SCI coming soon. More information about SCI is available on their Web site, www.stringcheeseincident.com