LETTER: Elections are lacking

Dear Editor,

Elections have been very competitive, thus increasing our chances of getting better officers for the next year. It doesn’t take candy, coupons, stamps, stickers and your name in every apartment in order to win votes. What students really want is to meet the candidates in person and know their integrity, accomplishments from prior student government positions, communication skills, goals for the USU student body and methods of achieving goals.

After meeting many candidates, reading flyers, and checking out Web sites it seemed as though they were all running for different positions even among the same office race, because every candidate had different ideas of what students want and what the real problems are at USU. Why doesn’t the Ombudsman committee find out what the majority of students see as problems facing USU’s future and then the candidates can explain their methods of overcoming these problems?

More forums are needed to see candidates argue their reasons for running, more articles written by candidates with views of problems and solutions. An Internet forum could be set up where students post good questions on issues that ASUSU could solve and candidates post their solutions to the problems.

Rather than have a slew of helpers running around campus passing out flyers, it would be better for students to have more opportunities to meet the candidates face-to-face.

Jake Young