The Church of Jesus Christ asks others to use its proper name

Holly Hanson

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is emphasizing the importance of its name and asking members and the media to help remind people of this fact.

According to a press release from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a letter from the First Presidency – the faith’s highest governing body – has been sent to congregations requesting members worldwide to “use the full name wherever possible” and avoid the term “Mormon Church.”

“The letter reminds members that use of the ‘revealed name’ of the church ‘is increasingly important in our responsibility to proclaim the name of the Savior throughout the world,” according to the release.

Members of the faith believe the name “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” was revealed to Joseph Smith, the church’s first prophet, in 1938.

According to an article in “The Church News,” March 3, news reports about the church are expected to increase around the world with the approach of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games.

The church has set up some guidelines regarding the reemphasis of the proper name. They are:

•The revealed name should always be used by the church and its members.

•Media organizations are encouraged to use the full official name when referring to the church as an institution. Media will be asked to avoid such references as “Mormon Church,” “LDS Church” or “The Church of the Latter-day Saints.”

•When a shortened reference is needed in news reporting or other instances, the terms “the church” or “The Church of Jesus Christ” are encouraged.

•Church members should be referred to as “members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” The preferred shortened reference is Latter-day Saints. Though less accurate, “Mormons” is acceptable.

•”Mormon” is correctly used in official names such as The Book of Mormon, Mormon Tabernacle Choir or Mormon Trail. It is also appropriately used in such expressions as “Mormon pioneers.”

•The term “Mormonism” is acceptable in describing the combination of doctrine, culture, history and lifestyle unique to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

In explaining these guidelines to The New York Times, Elder Dallin H. Oaks, a general authority in the church, said these instructions are to be seen as a deliberate reaffirmation of a long-standing effort to encourage wider use of the revealed name of the church.

“We haven’t adopted a new name of the church. I don’t mind being called a Mormon, but I don’t want it said that I belong to the Mormon Church,” Elder Oaks said in his interview with The New York Times.

Christ is identified as the “chief corner stone” of the church, hence the church should be identified by His name, according to “The Church News.”

The Doctrine and Covenants, a book of scripture used by members of the church, says, “For thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” (Doctrine and Covenants, 115:4).

The church’s public affairs office said the name reemphasis is effective immediately.