Be Prepared for Career Fair

Editorial Board

Most students can testify their reason for coming to college was to land a career in their fields of study. Students spend a large chunk of their college careers both studying and working in the hopes that one day it will all pay off.

Whether you have networks of your own or are looking to network, attending USU’s Career Fair would be wise. Utah State University’s 11th annual Career Fair will bring 180 companies to the Sunburst Lounge in the Taggart Student Center Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

It would be in your best interest to not “just stop by.”

Be prepared. It is important to note why students attend Career Fairs: to establish job contacts, explore career options and obtain employer information.

If any of these options appeal to you, the time to start preparing for the Career Fair is now.

• Research and be familiar with the companies you would like to see.

• Prepare a list of goals. Think about how this employer could help you meet those goals.

• Know what types of questions you want to ask. This will be the time for one-on-one contact with some leading businesses in the industry.

There are other ways to prepare that don’t take too much time. When you wake up on Wednesday morning, don’t just roll out of bed and throw on something that was lying on your bedroom floor. Look presentable and dress to impress.

Whatever your career choice is, attending the Career Fair may be the first step in paving a bright future.

For more information and helpful suggestions about the Career Fair, check out the USU Career Center Web site: