Letter: Assault weapon ban was bad


Finally, the racially discriminating federal “assault weapon” ban dies! The few accomplishments of this ban have been to employ (at tax payers’ expense) a hoard of ATF agents policing meaningless policies that have predictably failed to reduce violent crime, while angering millions of law abiding gun owners. The ban has also tripled the costs of “normal capacity” magazines and other components of certain firearms, again angering millions of law abiding gun owners. 

The racial discrimination of the ban occurred by making specific groups of firearms illegal based on their looks even though they were safer or functioned identically to other rifles that were not banned. The ban was flawed in many ways and promoted by those who want total disarmament of all citizens. Let’s not forget that the “right to bear arms” is an individual right that extends to possessing military style semiautomatic rifles and handguns.

Craig Huntzinger