Logan Canyon is site of summer education programs

The Logan Ranger District will be holding its annual Summer Amphitheater Program at the Guinavah Amphitheater located about five miles up Logan Canyon in Guinavah Malibu Campground. The programs will be every Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. in July.

This year we will have five different programs:

· July 1st Smokey Bear’s 60th Anniversary Celebration

· July 8th Motorized Recreation on Public Lands TreadLightly!!

· July 15th Exotic Invaders & Their Biological Time Bombs Dr. Steve Dewey

· July 22nd Logan Canyons Legend: The History of Old Ephriam by Dave Lefgren

· July 29th 20th Anniversary of Mt. Naomi and Wellsville WildernessAreas Oral history of their creation by Dick Carter

Ranger-led walks on the Riverside Nature Trail will be at 11 a.m.Tuesdays, beginning at the Spring Hollow Parking lot. Groups of more thansix should make reservations.

These programs are FREE and open to all we hope to see you there. Pleasecarpool, as parking is limited.

For more information please contact Lisa at the Logan Ranger District,755-3620.