
Utah State offers biotech academy for teens

The Utah State University Center for Integrated BioSystems (formerly the Biotechnology and Genomics Research Center) is offering Utah and Idaho teens the opportunity to explore how scientists create lifesaving medicines, to debate the safety of genetically modified foods and to learn about the latest research progress in the areas of microbe, plant and animal genomics.

Scheduled for July 12-16 on the Utah State campus, the fourth annual summer biotechnology academy is open to high school students entering the 11th and 12th grades in the 2004-2005 school year. Participants work side by side with faculty mentors on a variety of hands-on projects, stay in campus housing and eat in campus dining halls during the five-day camp. Students may select a specific area of interest, choosing from fields such as biology, chemistry, biochemistry, food and nutrition sciences, biological and environmental engineering, plant and soil science, and animal, dairy and veterinary sciences.

“This is a wonderful opportunity to experience biotechnological research at the university level and experience the college environment,” said Afifa Sabir, education director for the academy. “The academy offers an exciting glimpse of the many research and career opportunities available in biotechnology – right here on campus.” Students will compete for top prizes based on their performance in the research projects during the five-day camp.

Space is limited and students are selected to participate in the academy on the basis of grade point average and their current interest. Funded by the Utah State Center for Integrated BioSystems, the Northern Utah Health Education Center, Monsanto and other sponsors, participants pay only a $100 registration fee. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the program.

“Of course, it’s not all work and no play,” said Sabir. “Participants enjoy a variety of outdoor recreation activities, including volleyball, rock climbing, a barbeque in beautiful Logan canyon and more.”

The deadline for applications is May 10. For application information contact Christen Sundberg at 435-797-2753 or visit the Center for Integrated BioSystems Web site at www.biosystems.usu.edu.