LETTER: In defense of freshmen

To the editor:

    As a brand new freshman here at Utah State I would just like to say thank you in behalf of all USU freshmen. Thank you for being prejudiced, intolerant, arrogant, and judgmental in the editorials I’ve read recently in the Statesman. Thank you for discriminating against us because we were born after 1990. I’m so excited to continue my education so I can broaden my mind, and learn to judge those that seem “inferior” to me. For the record, I would like a few things to be known. One, we know how to speak. Just because we have cell phones and some of us use obnoxious abbreviations, does not mean we are lacking in intelligence.

    May I point out, that it is not just freshman who use “lol” and “omg,” text or get on Facebook during class, and sponge off their parents? I am not some lazy little girl who came to college to giggle and flirt. I have a job and I study hard. Yes, my classes are probably easier than yours so I have a little more downtime. But stop generalizing and give us some respect. Freshman are people, too.

    Perhaps you should look beyond that textbook you supposedly have your nose in all the time, and realize that we too have dreams and plans for a better life. We too hold down a job, study for our midterms, and attempt to squeeze in a little fun. We deserve at least a little bit of your respect.

McKenzie Smith