Logan street through USU to be worked on, may be unavailable at times beginning June 30

Logan City has announced that 700 North between 800 East and 1200 East (the main road through the USU campus) will be receiving a chip seal on Monday, July 12.  This road work will cause some delays throughout the day.  If possible, please use alternate routes to help alleviate traffic along this road. The road will receive a final seal on either July 20 or July 21.  The road will be completely closed for an hour to apply this final seal. 

Additionally, the road is being worked on June 30.  700 East will be blocked causing 15 minute delays to those driving along that road.  The Big Blue Terrace and Blue premium lot have limited access.  Vehicles may be caused to detour around the road work upon exiting.  On June 30, the east end of 700 North will be blocked periodically throughout the day.

Check with  USU Parking and Transportation for continuing information.