Calendar and events for March 3

March 3

-USU Career Fair, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunburst Lounge and Stevenson Ballroom, TSC

-Peace Corps open house 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., University Inn 510. Presentation by returned Peace Corps volunteers.

March 4

-USU Symphony Concerto Evening, 7:30 p.m. Kent Concert Hall. General Admission $5, USU Students Free

March 5

-USU Women’s Basketball VS Idaho, 7 p.m. Smith Spectrum. Wear your game day shirt.

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* Warm the Heart charity fundraiser. “School of Rock” and raffle. March 3, 7 p.m. Kent Concert Hall

* Come to the ORC Yurt for Spring Break. March 9 – 12, fee includes food and transportation $49. Must register by March 3 at the ORC or call 797-3264.

* Golden Key International skating party at Logan Roller rink, March 3, 7 – 9 p.m. $1.50 and everyone is invited.

* Military History Seminar for USU students and spouses May 4 – 11. Visit D.C., Gettysburg, Valley Forge, Petersburg, and Philadelphia. $400 per person includes transportation and lodging. Info Capt. Roberts Military Science bldg. 205. Phone 797-0950. Deposit due March 12.

* USU Big Band Swing Club, 1st and 3rd Saturdays, Elite Hall dancing, 83 W. Main St., Hyrum. Lessons 7:30 – 8:30 p.m., Dance 8:30 – 11:30 p.m. $4 w/ lessons $3 w/o.

* Community partnerships and Lifetime Learning Center need volunteers to teach computer classes. Topics include Word, Excel, Access and more! For more information contact:

* Now that you’re engaged, give your marriage a “Smart Start” by making an appointment for one FREE premarital therapy session at the USU Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic. Appointment or information call 797-7430. Also “Smart Start” financial counseling workshop beginning in May. Call Housing and Financial Counseling office 797-7224 or Family Life Center, 493 North 700 East.

* Winderness First Responder course, Mary 4 – 13. Completion of practical and written exams participats receive 2 year SOLO Wilderness First Responder certification and two year American Heat Assoc. Adult Heartsave CPT certification. Register ECC 797-0423 or ECC 103.

* Free math tutoring. Engineering 106 Monday – Friday 2:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Math 0900 – 2250 and Stats 1040 – 3000. Mountain View towers Monday – Thursday 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Math 0900 – 2250. Info 797-1128

* The AVA Gallery is celebrating National Women’sHistory month with an exhibition. “Women Inspiring Hope and Possibility”. At the Thatcher Young mansion March 19- April 10. The opening reception will be part of the March 19 Cache Valley gallery walk from 6 p.m.-9 p.m. We are currently accepting submissions celebrating women of all mediums through March 13, 2004 Please submit up to five works with title, price, medium, and artist contact information to the AVA gallery, 35 west 100 south, in the Thatcher Young mansion. There is a $3 entry fee per work. Info. Call 435-753-2970

* Looking for a scholarship? The Lyon, Maas, Mueggler Outdoor Leadership Scholarship needs applicants! Detailed information is available at the ORC and on our website, (click on Alternative Programs and go to the bottom of the page). The award is $750 for one school year. Application deadline April 2.

* The USU Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic provides individual, marital, and family therapy. Therapy is individualized to meet the unique needs and situations of clients. Therapy is provided by graduate students completing their M.S. degrees under supervision of clinical faculty on a sliding fee scale basis. For more information or to make an appointment, please call 797-7430. Appointments are available during both day and evening hours.

* The Cache Valley Historical Society’s monthly meeting March 3, 7:00 p.m. in the northeast meeting room of the Logan City Building, 255 North Main, will feature Walter Fuller. Mr. Fuller is collaborating with the Cache Chamber of Commerce to publish a book about the history of Cache Valley.

* Cache Valley Folk Dancers and Bridger Folk Music Society hosting a New England Style Contra Dance March 6, 7:30 p.m. Whittier Community Center, 290 N. 400 E. Calling will be provided by Kay Forsyth and other local talented callers. They will teach each dance and beginners and families are welcome. Live music will be provided by the local band, Leaping Lulu. $5 donation at the door.

* Heart t’ Heart LDS 12-Step meetings: General (any problem) – Sundays, 7:00 p.m., LDS chapel @ 500 E 800 N, room 17. Men’s Sexual Addiction – Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. @ the Logan Library in room 2. Overeating – Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., LDS chapel @ 250 W. 1200 N. first room on the right. Information or call 245-4744