COLUMN: Explaining the Constitution Party

Colby Lyons

Albert Einstein has been quoted to state that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting different results. Perhaps this should be applied when one considers politics. When Americans aren’t satisfied with the policies of one party, we turn to the other for relief. When that doesn’t work, voters look, once again, to the first party for solutions. Perhaps it is time to change our thinking a little and try a different approach.

There is another choice. That choice is the Constitution Party. Because of its commitment to fundamental principles, this party has grown to become the third largest in the nation.

The Constitution Party believes in the principles upon which this nation was founded. It affirms that our creator, not the government, is the source of man’s unalienable rights. Among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The rights to protect, own, use and exchange property are inseparable from these rights.

Government was instituted to secure these unalienable rights. In order to secure those rights, government must promote equal justice, preserve domestic tranquility and maintain a strong national defense. History has proven that, if unchecked, government will begin to usurp power and threaten the very liberty and rights it was instituted to protect. In order to prevent such tyranny, it is essential to bind the government with the Constitution, dividing and limiting its powers.

These principles are at the core of the Constitution Party’s stand on how our government should function.

The Constitution Party believes in bringing the civil government closer to the people. It believes this will result in a government that is more responsible, responsive and accountable. It is for this purpose that the national government was given a defined list of enumerated powers and all remaining powers were retained by the states.

Because of this, only the functions of the federal government that have been authorized by the Constitution should be continued. All other powers and programs should be returned to the control of the states. The party also opposes any regionalization of governments, because this will remove the power to make decisions from the people and the officials directly elected by them.

The growing national debt has become a major threat to the security of our nation. It places an ever-growing burden on our future. The Constitution Party calls for the elimination of this debt. This can be done by dramatically reducing government spending, and by paying interest as it accrues.

The Constitution Party holds its candidates to a high standard of character and moral conduct, because its leaders realize that a candidate can not be trusted in his public life if he can not be trusted in his personal life.

The party feels it is essential for Congress to be obedient to the Constitution and accountable to the people. The party believes Congressional pensions should be eliminated.

In accordance with its dedication to life and liberty, the party is opposed to any efforts to conscript citizens into the armed forces. The party supports voluntary Reserve Officer Training Corps training in the nation’s universities, college and schools. The party is also an advocate of a strong national defense, with a strong, state-of-the-art military. The party believes America should live at peace with other nations and should not interfere in their internal affairs.

As the family is central to our society, the Constitution Party believes parents have the fundamental role in the nurturing and education of their children. These responsibilities should not be assumed by government agencies without either due process of law or legal consent of parents. Parents should be allowed to determine the manner in which their children’s education is to be provided.

The Constitution Party is strongly opposed to government sponsorship and promotion of any form of gambling.

The party also strongly supports the right of the people to keep and bear arms, as this is inherent in the right of individuals to defend themselves and their families.

According to the party, healthcare providers should be accountable to the patients they serve. They should not be accountable to politicians and insurance bureaucrats. If the government increases its control in this area, the outcome will be higher costs and poorer results.

The party also declares that all branches of government must cease their attacks on the religious liberties of the people and the states. Any form of taxation on churches and other religious organizations is clearly unconstitutional and will result in government control of those institutions.

According to the party, the federal income tax is unconstitutional and should be ended. The Internal Revenue Service should be abolished.

The Constitution Party promotes ways of funding the activities of the federal government that are consistent with the Constitution. This will be possible if the federal government is reduced to the powers and programs defined in the Constitution.

This is only a short summary of the Constitution Party’s platform. As can be seen, this party has defined plans to combat the problems our nation faces and proves that these problems can be solved within the bounds set by our Constitution. The Constitution Party provides a new choice for America.

Colby Lyons is a senior majoring in law and constitutional studies. Questions and comments can be sent to him at