Baseball squad sweeps in Montana

Dan Fawson

They won. That’s really all that matters.

The Utah State club baseball team completed an all-important three-game series sweep over the Montana State Bobcats last weekend. They had to make a six-hour trip to Bozemam, Mo., endure bitter cold and listen as some, well, “colorful religious comments”were hurled their way by opposing fans, but they won. Mission accomplished.

The Aggies collected closer-than-expected wins of 7-5 and 12-7 Saturday evening, followed with a 16-5 thrashing of the Bobcats Sunday morning and set the stage for a Conference Championship-deciding three-game series at Weber State this weekend. The team admitted it could have played better Saturday, but said travel and weather may have contributed to the flat start.

“It takes six hours to drive there (from Logan), and we got there an hour and half before game time,” pitcher-outfielder Ryan Doyle said, noting it took the team a while to get loose.

“It took us forever to get going,” third baseman and outfielder Brad Singer said. “It was freezing cold.”

The fact that the Bobcats went into Saturday’s doubleheader with only one conference win to their credit may have also accounted for what Singer called a “lackadasical” attitude from the team.

“We might have been overlooking them a little bit because we knew they were at the bottom of the league,” Doyle said.

He probably summed up USU’s series sweep best when he said, “We didn’t play our best, but we played good enough to win.”

Jesse Kunz, Nolan Billings and Doyle collected wins on the mound for Utah State, which extended its current winning steak to eight games.

The Aggies toughest test came during game two of the series, when they found themselves trailing 7-2 in the top of the sixth inning. With two outs, the Aggies mounted a furious rally, started by an RBI double off the bat of Singer. The team then proceeded to load the bases, setting the stage for what may have been the most electric moment of the conference season, a game-tying grand slam, courtesy of third baseman Justin Vaneck. Zack Gunn and Doyle then followed with a pair of singles and eventually accounted for the game-winning runs when they were driven in by a double from Billings.

“It seems like when we get two outs, that’s when we get going,” Singer said.

Vaneck, Billings and outfielder Eudy Sanchez are all new to the team this season, and as witnessed by their weekend performances, have been instrumental in getting the team back to regionals this season.

Doyle said Vaneck has been a huge addition for the Aggies and is one of the best players on the team. He also noted how Billings’ increased production at the plate has been a welcomed addition to an already-potent lineup.

“His bat has been great for us,” Doyle said. “He started off the season pretty slow, but ever since conference play he’s been hitting the ball really well.”

Sanchez, a native of the Dominican Republic, collected a number of hits over the weekend and has quickly established himself as one of the team’s best hitters. Having played only half the season, Sanchez has already hit three home runs and entered the Montana State series batting an astounding .484.

“We love Eudy,” Singer said and noted how much the team has benefited from having Sanchez at the bottom of the lineup. “This year with him down there – it’s been a lot stronger. It’s been a more complete team.”

Heading into the final weekend of the regular season, the Aggies sit two games behind Weber State in the conference standings. A series sweep will give USU the Northern Pacific Conference-East championship crown, a title the Wildcats haven’t had to truly battle for in quite some time.

“This is the first opportunity we’ve had to win the conference championship,” Doyle said of his time at Utah State. “Usually, Weber pretty much runs away with the conference, but we’ve been hanging pretty tough. This is the first time that’s actually happened for us.”

The Aggies have yet to face the Wildcats this season, but have traditionally played tough against their in-state rival. They gave Weber its only loss of last season and are confident they will be successful again if they put together three complete games.

“In order to beat them, we’re just going to have to play good defense,” Doyle said. “We’re going to pitch well – we’ve pitched well all season. We’re going to hit the ball – we’ve hit the ball well all season. We’re just going to need to eliminate mental mistakes that have been costing us.”

Regardless of whether the team earns the sweep and collect the conference title, the Aggies have already clinched a top-two finish in the conference standings and, by so doing, have secured a spot in the North Pacific Regional Tournament. While advancing to regionals has been a goal the team has carried with it since the beginning of last fall season, this group is not content with a top-two finish.

“I want a sweep,” Singer said. “I want that conference championship.”
