LETTER: Use nature


I would like to respond to the “point” published in the Tuesday edition of The Statesman. First I would like to point out that newspapers are published on PAPER. The Sierra Club constantly berates the readers of The Statesman with articles about saving the forests. If you want to save paper, don’t write articles in The Statesman for people to read. Now don’t get me wrong, I love nature as much as anyone. I hate to see trees destroyed. Unfortunately though, we sometimes must use nature for the progress of the human race. The same goes for things like roads (i.e. the Legacy Highway).

I can’t imagine that any member of the Sierra Club doesn’t use roads. If we were to believe that, we might as well believe that they don’t use clothes, have a house or use anything that is produced by using nature. I guess I could be wrong. Maybe the author doesn’t wear clothes. Maybe he sleeps on the ground without using anything to keep him warm. Maybe he doesn’t eat food. I personally wouldn’t believe it.

Sometimes the needs of nature must come second to human needs. Society would die without progress and then where would we be?

Graham Theobald