LETTER: Don’t hit pedestrians


I am writing this letter for the female motorist who almost hit me Wednesday, Nov. 13 at 8:10 a.m. at the corner of 600 East and 400 North.

I was crossing 600 East headed east using the crosswalk and you were headed westbound on 400 North turning south (left) onto 600 East. You and the two other motorists before you turned in front of me while I was in the crosswalk.

I had the right of way being a pedestrian in the crosswalk. You may have been under the false assumption that because the pedestrian sign changed from a white, walking-person symbol to a flashing, red, hand symbol that you had the right of way. The red, flashing, hand symbol indicates the pedestrian should use caution while using the crosswalk before the traffic light turns red, not for an oncoming motorist to charge the pedestrian.

A pedestrian in a crosswalk always has the right of way unless the pedestrian is violating a traffic light. I am disgusted by the lack of courtesy and concern you and other motorists in Logan have for pedestrians obeying the traffic laws.

If you choose to drive to work in the morning instead of walking, you should also know the traffic laws before endangering pedestrians. Share the road, it’s the law. If you want to threaten the lives of pedestrians and scream at them for hurrying across an intersection with the right of way I suggest you GET OFF THE ROAD.

Sean Damitz