LETTER: Homosexuality is a sin

Michael W. Jarvis

To the editor:

In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln reaffirmed America’s Founding Fathers’ declaration that “…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..” One of these rights is the free agency of individuals to choose varying degrees of inequality through sin.

Pride is a sin. Gay pride is a filthy sin that finds refuge in atheism and intolerance of all things religious that point to a creator and the idea of sin. The free exercise of religion, being another unalienable right, supports a criminal justice system and the ideals of the Constitution of the United States of America as stated in its preamble. For our Heavenly Father is a just God of laws, order and cleanliness as well as love and repentance-qualified mercy as revealed through his son Jesus Christ who is loathed by the LGBT – “Love Gone Bad Today.”


The LGBT think transgenders and transsexuals are wildcards from Transyltopsyturvia that legitimize their cause with even more confusion. Transgenders and transsexuals are just homoelectives that have taken their homosexuality to the next level of perversion – sinful inequality. Before supporting legal rights for homoelectives, one should ask him or herself two questions: “Was I better off before homosexuals became ‘gay’ and prideful?”  and “Can I afford another year of gay pride?”


– Michael W. Jarvis