ASUSU member proposes school break for study

Marie MacKay

The Associated Students of Utah State University Academic vice president, Ericka Ensign, proposed to the Executive Council on Tuesday a resolution aimed at implementing reading days prior to each finals week.

Ensign stressed that implementing non-class study days will provide students with the time needed to prepare for finals each semester. The resolution will be discussed in an open forum Jan. 28 as a second reading item.

Tiffany Leo, ASUSU Campus Diversity vice president, proposed her request for additional funding for the Diversity Program.

“This is just to finish the semester with all the events that are happening,” she said.

Celestial Bybee, ASUSU president, reminded the council about the Utah Student Association Rally that will be held Feb. 12 at noon at the capitol building in Salt Lake City. Students from all over the state will be protesting tuition increases and supporting financial aid.

Bybee said, “This is just a [public relations] move to show the public that we really care about what happens at the capitol.”

Bybee hopes to have at least 100 students from USU attend the rally. Transportation will be provided.

Camey Hatch, ASUSU Public Relations vice president, informed the council that an election forum will be held Jan. 31 from 10 a.m. to noon in the Taggart Student Center Sunburst Lounge. Students interested in running for a position on the 2003-04 ASUSU Executive Council should attend.
