
ASUSU passes bill Tuesday suggesting recycled paper

Marie MacKay

The Associated Students of Utah State University Executive Council passed a bill Tuesday recommending recycled paper be used in the computer labs throughout campus.

The bill requires a 25- to 30-cent increase in student fees for the next fiscal year to pay for the cost of recycled paper.

Lafe Conner, a sophomore majoring in forestry, and Vanessa Welsh, a senior majoring in environmental studies, voiced their support for the bill during an open forum.

Welsh said, “It’s just less wasteful. It opens other doors for other things as far as environmental issues. The university influences a lot of people, and it’s a lesson learned.”

Conner, Welsh and other students compiled 514 signatures in support of the bill. However, some members of the council stated their concerns about the bill.

Kristen Taylor, ASUSU Business senator, said, “We don’t feel the need to use recycled paper. We’re more worried about the economy. I don’t feel what we are doing here will make that much of a difference.”

Ericka Ensign, ASUSU Academic vice president, was concerned with the quality of recycled paper and whether enough students support the bill.

Other council members supported the bill.

Dax Mangus, ASUSU Natural Resources senator, said, “It’s not an overnight process, but we are just asking this body to support this bill.”

The Executive Council also passed a bill concerning summer compensation for its members. Each person will receive compensation. The $6,000 proposed amount will be divided among the officers upon request and necessity.

The council tabled indefinitely an item concerning a Service and Academic Student Scholarship. It tabled a request for a revenue replacement until Jan. 24.

Shelly Swasey, ASUSU Athletics vice president, informed the council of the Fitness Center Open House on Jan. 15, from noon to 2 p.m. Students and faculty are invited to attend.

Applications to become President for a Day with Kermit L. Hall are available in the ASUSU main office on the third floor of the Taggart Student Center.
