LETTER: Don’t compare LDS missions to the military

Malyssa Menzdorf

To the editor:

When I read the column “Blog Aims to Raise Awareness for Sick RMs” I was appalled. I graduated from Utah State University last spring and this article made me ashamed to be a graduate of a school that would publish such garbage.

Let me back up here: I have nothing against the LDS church. I was raised Catholic and taught to respect all points of view. However, the idea that LDS missionaries be given Purple Heart titles and the level of respect given to members of the military is outrageous. All branches of the U.S. military are comprised of men and women who protect and serve this country. LDS missionaries have paid thousands of dollars and willingly left their homes to spread the word about their religion.

Do you see the difference? I sure do, and it baffles me that some people are asking for this special treatment.

I hope that this ridiculous “movement” blows over because it would be such a disgrace if LDS missionaries were glorified in such a ludicrous fashion. I hope that Purple Hearts continue to go to the real soldiers who deserve them.


Malyssa Menzdorf