Club Skyline fight is second reported in school year

Emilie Holmes

Late the night of Jan. 16, Logan City Police received a report of disputing at Club Skyline, a popular dance club for Utah State University students.

Capt. Russ Roper said another report came in around 3 a.m. of an assault on a 17-year-old male.

The complainant reported that a man, who policed identified as a 26-year-old male with a history of drug involvement, assaulted him during a fight that occurred on Club Skyline property.

Reports such as these may suggest a violent atmosphere, but some people describe a different situation.

Roper said the club has had only one other reported dispute, which was in October.

Bryan Jenson, the owner of Club Skyline, said he didn’t hear about the Jan. 16 report.

“We don’t really have any [fights],” he said.

Kelly Wolff, a sophomore majoring in elementary education, goes dancing at Club Skyline about once a month.

“I’ve only seen one little fight, and it was broken up very quickly,” she said.

Peter Gibb, a freshman in mechanical engineering, agreed that there are little, if any, fights at Club Skyline.

“I’ve seen two fights, and neither were serious,” he said, referring to the incidents as scuffles. “Nothing happened during either one.”

Jenson said on any given night there are between four and six bouncers to maintain security.

Roper mentioned seeing bouncers at the club when the police, from time to time, walk through the area.

“They’ve got some big bouncers. They scare us when we walk in,” he said jokingly.

Club Skyline opened about 18 months ago and has flourished in that time. The club is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights with a different genre of music each night.

To get in, one needs picture identification with proof that he’s 18 or older.

Jenson said the club used to have a high school night but doesn’t anymore.

“It’s too hard to advertise to high school students,” he said.

There is a Logan City law that prohibits mixing people under the age of 18 with those older than 18 at clubs of this kind, according to the Logan City Police Department.

As for drugs, Jenson said there has been little trouble, and if there is, they notify the proper authorities.

Thursday at Club Skyline is country and hip-hop night. Friday is hip-hop and Saturday is Latin night.

The club is open from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. all three nights.
