Nelson named top Aggie

Julie Ann Grosshans

Utah Statesman: You’ve been named the Utah State Athlete of the Week two times in a row, how does it feel?

Meagan Nelson: It’s great. I didn’t expect it, I’ll tell you that. But it’s exciting to be chosen two times in a row.

US: What is your favorite event and why?

MN: Floor is my favorite event and it’s because it incorporates everything we do — it’s dance, tumbling. You can also get the crowd behind you, you don’t have to block everyone out and concentrate fully on what you are doing.

US: What is most difficult part about being a gymnast?

MN: I’d probably have to guess that we don’t have a lot of time for extra things. School and gym pretty much take up your entire life. Working [extra things] in is really difficult.

US: How excited are you to compete against No. 1-ranked Utah next week?

MN: I’m super excited. I can’t wait to go up against them.

US: Who is your favorite professional gymnast?

MN: Tasha Schwikert. She was my old teammate. She went to the Olympics last time [2000]. She’s motivating, a very motivating gymnast. She’s helped me through a lot of stuff.

US: What is your favorite television show?

MN: “Friends.” I really love “Friends” because it shows tight bonds.

US: What kind of music do you listen to?

MN: I don’t listen to any one type, I listen to a mix of everything.

US: Who else would you nominate from your team to be the athlete of the week?

MN: Probably Nicole Kilpatrick. She’s always strong in the all-around, she’s a good leader, she’s always been there and she helps me through the tough times. She is one of the best people I could imagine for it.

US: What is something others would be surprised to know about you?

MN: Probably that I started gymnastics really late and I was actually on a dance team last year and won nationals.

US: How different is Utah from Las Vegas?

MN: It’s really different. It’s taken a lot to get used to it. I’m just not used to the slow movement of the city, but I’m getting used to it, and I really like it.
