
Meet the band: Sarah Graves

The Utah Statesman: OK let’s get the normal stuff out of the way … How old are you, when is your birthday, what color are your eyes, how many kids are in your family and where are you in the order and what kind of guitar do you have?

Sarah Graves: I’m 21. My birthday is June 7. I have blue eyes and I am number three out of four children. And I have a Martin D-16.

US: Utah question — What is your favorite flavor of Jell-O?

SG: I don’t really eat Jell-O, except on holidays. I like chocolate pudding; I guess that is in the Jell-O category.

US: What sound effect best describes you (like eepp! or boing, boing, boing!)?

SG: Iiyyeee ye yeiii! I’m exciting and energetic. There is a bit of life in me. Some people say Sarah is a loon. I guess that best describes me.

US: What is your favorite flower?

SG: Calla lilies and tube roses. They smell so sweet. I also like gardenias.

US: What food did you hate as a child?

SG: Eggs and fish. Didn’t really like the smell. I think I had a baby sitter that didn’t like them. I never had a bad experience. I just never really liked them. Still don’t.

US: What is your favorite thing to do besides play music?

SG: Laugh and dance. Modern and African dance are my favorite. I teach a children’s dance class right now at the Bollin Center. It’s really fun.

US: What is your favorite book?

SG: I’m reading Lord of the Rings, right now and that is pretty good. But I would have to say that my favorite would be Jane Eyre. I read it for classes and stuff in school, and I really liked it.

US: How did you get started in music?

SG: I have a really musical family. Everyone plays or sings. I was raised around really good music, and when I was in sixth grade, my mom gave me her classical guitar. It all started there.

US: Who were your inspirations?

SG: Patty Griffin, Greg Brown, Ben Harper, Otis Redding, Cat Stevens and Billie Holiday.

US: What is your favorite song to play?

SG: Bob Dylan’s “You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome.” It’s fun to play, and its melodies are beautifully harmonized. It’s just a really pretty song.

— Compiled by Kassie Robison