LETTER: Support Pres. Hall??


I thought that the article written by Mr. Lamb was a little one-sided. I admit that I probably could not run a university but some common sense changes are in order here.

Mr. Lamb claims that President Hall is doing a splendid job at managing the funding. He also mentioned that the tuition hike was a “last resort.”

I have spent some time here on campus and have witnessed first hand some of the money that is wasted, literally wasted. In certain departments, certain people hold certain jobs and certainly don’t do a thing.

If this university were run like a business that had to account for an income, it would have been bankrupt long ago. In the real world where the money tree (state funding) does not exist, you can bet action would be taken to hire, fire or correct the problems. The money tree does not put pressure on the wound so it keeps bleeding, or in our case running out.

Mr. Lamb also says that the money goes to the parking department. What? We pay more than $1,400, and we still have to pay for a parking permit that lets us park in the stadium. I don’t know where you have been, but the number of parking tickets given out alone should run that whole department. How about some more parking terraces?

Lastly, let’s say you work for the university at $7 per hour. If you work full time, that is 40 hours a week, and you would generate $1,120 a month.

That’s not even close to what it costs for tuition, and that’s not even counting books. So those of us who don’t have a money tree have a hard time with tuition increases, especially when the pay rate for students stays the same. Something else can be done.

Weylin Richards