COLUMN: Brown-nosing isn’t a bad thing

Jeffrey Leek

Hello again science students. I hope that the new semester finds you all with your noses happily buried in your textbooks. I know that I certainly am off and running in the homework department. However, if you are looking for some extracurricular activities to offset all of the calculations, measurements and debugging that you have to do, I have the answer for you (well several answers, really).

First off, we have a couple of our student/faculty (aka Brown Nose) luncheons coming up. On Feb. 13 at 11 a.m. in the Walnut Room we will be holding the biology luncheon. Look for advertising in the coming weeks.

If you are a biology major or minor, RSVP in the biology department and come enjoy the good food and the good company of your tormentors … ahem, I mean professors. Or if you happen to be a science student of a slightly more computational persuasion (math majors or minors) mark down March 4 on your calendars as the date for the Math Brown Nose Luncheon in Lund Hall.

If all that excitement isn’t too much for you, and I really hope it isn’t, the College of Science is about to start an exciting new leadership/recruiting program. Beginning in the next few weeks, we will be soliciting applications for Science ambassadors. These lucky individuals will have the opportunity to work with faculty advisers at College of Science functions, giving tours to prospective students, and helping out with recruiting events.

Those science students with the fortune to end up in this organization will reap the benefits: prestige, leadership opportunity, and a stipend … (let me guess, you just skipped right over the first two). Keep your eye out for the application for these positions if you feel you can represent your college to the fullest.

Well, that about wraps up the current projects from the College of Science council. Good luck with that homework. And if you have any ideas, suggestions or hate mail, feel free to e-mail me at Later.

Jeffrey Leek, The Science Ninjamaster, is the College of Science senator.