LETTER: Let me choose for myself


I was really insulted by a recent letter written in the paper about sex. It is in my own opinion that we are put on this earth to make our own choices and mistakes. It really upsets me when people publicly judge other people for their choices in life.

I got the impression that the writer considered all children born out of wedlock beings that do not belong on the earth. I take statements like that very personally. My son, who I know for a fact was a gift from heaven, was born nine days BEFORE my wife and I were married.

But the kicker of it all is, he is not the reason we were married. We got married because we love each other. We had sex before we got married because we love each other.

I made the mistake of having sex with people I didn’t love, and it was nothing compared to the feelings I have with my wife. My wife waited until she was with someone she loved, it just happened to be me. I wish I could say the same thing, but that is just something I will have to put behind me.

Children are not a curse, no matter what your situation. My wife and I have the strongest marriage that anyone could have. I feel that having sex before marriage made us better people by not being so anxious to have sex right after the wedding reception. It gave us the chance to say we married because of love, not sex.

It makes me wonder how many people use marriage as an excuse to have sex “the right way.” It just doesn’t make any sense that we have to have a $50 document that says it is all right to have sex.

Yes, the Lord gave us rules and guidelines to follow in life. He also gave us the choice of whether to follow all of these rules, or to break them. I feel that if someone sees nothing wrong with having sex with many partners, that is his God-given right. Our choices and mistakes are simply that, ours.

Joshua B. Evans