Web site lists all annual Cache Valley sex offenders

Julia Mitchell

The Utah Department of Corrections Web site lists a registry of all sex offenders, some of whom could be living next door.

Annual statistical reports from Logan City Police, the Cache County Sheriff’s Office and USU Police recorded 88 reported sexual crimes for 2001. This includes nine from Utah State University — one sexual assault, one lewdness report — but does not include all of those in Cache Valley.

According to the Utah Department of Corrections, there are 77 registered sex offenders in Cache Valley, ranging in age from 20 to 79 years old. Each registered offender is listed with a picture, as well as personal information, including address, make and model of car, hair color, height and weight. The information is free for public access.

Sex offenders are required by Utah Code to be registered in this way. Machelle Rodriguez of the Utah Department of Corrections said such code has existed since the 1980s, but public access has been required only since 1996.

Jenny Aguilar, rape crisis coordinator at Community Abuse Prevention Service Agency (CAPSA), explained that although the information and continual updating of such can seem excessive to those related to or acquainted with a sexual offender, it is only done as a safety procedure.

The information in the registry is not compiled for the use of harassing or threatening sex offenders or their families.

“It is imperative for Utah residents to know that this kind of resource is available to them for safety issues,” she said.

The Sex Offender Registry is maintained at http://corrections.utah.gov and is updated as new information is received. The Web site explains that most offenders will enter the community again.

From the moment the offender enters its system, the focus of the Utah Department of Corrections is on preparing for that eventual community re-entry.

The registry provides a public directory of persons who have been convicted of certain sex crimes. It is possible to perform a direct search by name or by ZIP code.

Much of the information listed on the site is from record, but the offenders are required to update their information each time something changes or annually.

The Department of Corrections requires that before entering the Sex Offender Registry, people must understand certain conditions. By clicking on the “enter” button, compliance to such conditions is agreed.

Conditions include the disclaimer that the information contained on the site does not imply listed individuals will commit a specific type of crime in the future. The site also notes what the nature of a crime may be if a listed individual commits one. The department makes no representation as to any offender’s likelihood of reoffending.
