Campaign Promises: A closer examination of ASUSU

John Jacklin, Engineering senator


* Update the Engineering Council Web site– Jacklin said he added an events page, as well as links to the ASUSU Web page and the bookstore.* Increase advertising for the E-Council Web site– Jacklin said he advertised during SOAR last summer and at Burgers for a Buck last semester.* Increase communication through the E-Council Web site– Jacklin said he did this adding the ASUSU link. He said he tried to update the engineering professional societies links, but some are still dead.

Camey Hatch, Public Relations vice president


* Enhance personal contact with other ASUSU members* Use multiple media* Reach out to Extension students

Hatch was unavailable for comment.

Andrea Ekins, Family Life senator

Ekins said she had to revamp her goals and platform as a student senator with the reorganization of her college.

Ekins helped further a resolution asking that college graduation ceremonies remain intact in light of other commencement changes. She also helped launch a program to give $1,000 scholarships to hard-working students. Ekins joined forces with the Education senator to plan Education Week. She said she still plans to hold the traditional Family Life alumni forum this semester.

Ekins said she hopes students remember, “You may have lost your college name, but you didn’t lose your college.”She said she has had to change her attitude about her position but has realized, “Leadership, like service, brings happiness.”

Mike Brockbrader, organizations and traditions vice president

* Better emphasize USU organizations* Create a Web site for interaction among organizations and clubs* Improve events, such as Traditions Week

Brockbrader was unavailable for comment.