Summer Art Workshops now enrolling

Enrollment is still open for individuals ranging in age from teens to seniors to experience artist-led workshops at the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, located on the campus of Utah State University, Logan, Utah.

The first workshop, “Building Sculpture to Scale,” is June 19-23, 9 a.m.-noon. Participants can explore and create figurative and abstract ideas in several media, including wire, tape and collected materials. One or more large-scale works for display will be created. This is an excellent opportunity to add to a portfolio for students and others, workshop organizers said. No prior experience is necessary. Public art sculptor Richard Johnston will teach all necessary skills. Classes meet in FAV 102 in the USU art department.

“Frame by Frame,” a second workshop, is June 26-30, 9 a.m.-noon. Animation and graphic design professor Dave Smellie will teach “Frame by Frame,” and participants will produce a video including elements of art set to jazz or classical music. Based on the early animations of the classic film “Fantasia,” students develop a work that culminates with a screening June 30 at 7 p.m. in FAV 150 in the USU art department.

Discounts are available for previous participants and museum members who enroll before June 2. Both workshops will meet in FAV 102 in the USU art department. Registration is through the Nora Eccles Museum of Art education department. For information and workshop cost, contact Nadra Haffar-Peragallo, 797-0165, or Rachel Hamm, 797-1414.

The Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art is located on the USU campus at 650 North 1100 East, Logan, Utah, 84322, (435) 797-0163, Fax (435) 797-3423,