Campaign Promises: a closer examination of ASUSU

Editor’s note: This is the second in a series examining the platforms of the Associated Students of Utah State University’s Executive Council members. They identified goals they did or did not accomplish throughout the past year. The platforms were taken from the March 6, 2002 issue of The Utah Statesman.

Ericka Ensign, academic VP

Platform:* Create non-class study days for no-test week — Ensign is still working to get student support that will persuade the Faculty Senate.* Create student committee to overlook professor tenure– “I felt that my time might be better spent in other places.”* Promote and improve Academic Opportunity Fund– Ensign did not address this part of her platform.* Work on academic honesty– “A lot of that was already done before I got here.” “[With] a lot of platform issues, you hit road blocks, and you start something new when you are in office.”

Kelly Mendenhall, Extension VP

Platform:* Have bimonthly meetings with Extension presidents via satellite– Mendenhall did not address this part of his platform. * Send monthly newsletter to Extension students– Because of copyright problems, he said, the first newsletter came out in November.* Visit Extension sites once a semester– Mendenhall did not address this part of his platform. * Create concrete A’s at each Extension site– Mendenhall did not address this part of his platform.

Mendenhall said he created a 1-800 number for Extension students and held College Day on Dec. 7.

Dax Mangus, Natural Resources senator

Platform:* Help Natural Resources students adjust to changes in their college– Mangus said he held regular meetings with people in his college but found it difficult to get in touch with many people. * See ASUSU funds used responsibly– As a member of the Capital and Support committee, Mangus said he voted against spending money on an ASUSU showcase.* Heighten USU’s sense of environmental responsibility– Mangus said he sponsored legislation to use recycled paper in USU labs. The bill is close to approval.

“I still have time to increase the momentum on many of these goals before I pass the torch to next year’s senator in April.”

Dan Phelps, service VP

Platform:* Better publicize service opportunities– Phelps did not address this part of his platform.

Phelps said he got voting rights on the Executive Council for his position, which is now service vice president instead of service center director. He started the Blood Battle tradition (competition with the University of Utah) to increase blood donations. He made Habitat for Humanity and AmeriCorps scholarships available through the service center.

“We plan on keeping it fresh, keeping it way fresh.””I’m content with how things have been going this year.”

Shelly Swasey, Athletics VP

Platform:* Start Meet the Athlete day on the Quad– “I wanted to make it bigger.” Swasey said she launched Athlete Week in January.* Spotlight those selected as Athlete of the Week– Swasey found out The Statesman planned to take care of spotlighting this year. * Continue raising money for the victory bell– Swasey decided to put the $500 that had been raised in 2001-02 toward Athlete Week instead.* Create USU Athletics hall of fame– Swasey couldn’t find a place in the Taggart Student Center for picture frames.

“I hope that my efforts put forward with the Fitness Center has been beneficial to the students.”

Tiffany Leo, Diversity VP

Platform:* Create a program for new officers of clubs and organizations to meet with old officers– Leo did not address this part of her platform.

Leo said she worked with Multicultural Student Services and the Women’s Center to promote diversity. She said she tried to get a diverse spectrum of speakers at USU. Leo said she helped improve Diversity Week by implementing the theme “Diversity: It is in you.”

Leo said she hopes students realize “diversity in all aspects, not just race, gender and sex.”

Lindsay Lyman, activities VP

Platform:* Put more money toward activities– Lyman did not address this part of her platform.* Get a big-name band to come to USU– Lyman said she made numerous attempts and contacts but could not complete her goal. She said she will be fully prepared to help her successor.* Get more student input– Lyman said she established an e-mail list to get student feedback.* Put on one large-scale event each month– Lyman said she held one large-scale event each month.* Continue existing activities successfully– Lyman said existing activities continued successfully, along with some new ideas.

“The events have gone well, but there’s always room for improvement.”

–Compiled by Hilary Judd, Amanda White, Staci Peterson, Marie Griffin, Emilie Holmes, Kate Richards