LETTER: Let’s have some decency


Lest anyone doubt, there are still many people who would prefer NOT to look at racy, sexually oriented pictures. The Persian Peacock advertisement in Friday’s edition of The Statesman was inappropriate and offensive.

We lament The Statesman’s decision to run the ad and force so many people to look at materials, which, if viewed in any computer lab on campus, could constitute a violation of the university policy (Student Code Article V, Section 3.)

This is not an issue of art versus pornography. Clearly, the vender’s intent was to stimulate.

We call upon The Statesman to be more judicious in its selection of advertisements and to refrain from publishing images of a sexual nature.

As THE mainstream campus newspaper and students’ primary source of information about university events, politics and activities, The Statesman should have greater consideration for those students who value decency.

It would be a shame if people stopped reading The Statesman because they are afraid of what might be on the next page.

Josh Black, Desi Groll and 22 others