
Two in hospital after police standoff

A 34-year-old Logan man was in a 90-minute standoff with police Sunday afternoon after he assaulted his sister, sending her to Logan Regional Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Merlin DeMars attacked his sister, Debbie DeMars, 35, in their house at 233 S. 300 East, in the Island. When police arrived at the scene, Merlin DeMars threatened officers with a hatchet and a knife, said Logan Police Officer Eric Collins.

Police shot Merlin DeMars with bean bags and Tasered him twice before he retreated into the house. Collins said police tried to open negotiations with Merlin DeMars, but he refused to cooperate. After an hour and a half, the SWAT team forced their way into the house and arrested him.

Merlin DeMars will be charged with assault of his sister and aggravated assault on the officers.

Debbie DeMars was bleeding when she was taken to the hospital, but her injuries were not serious enough to be considered life-threatening.

Collins said Merlin DeMars is known to have been suicidal lately and has had problems with drug and alcohol abuse.

“We have had issues with him before, mostly drug and alcohol related,” Collins said. “Nothing like this.”

Relatives of the DeMarses were on the scene Sunday afternoon. Merlin and Debbie DeMars’ sister, Linda DeMars, 39, said she was just glad things turned out OK.

“Things are much better now,” she said. “We’re grateful for how things turned out.”