COLUMN: Work for something bigger than ourselves

Leah Enzler

With the new school year just beginning, Utah State is a hectic place-to say the least. Everywhere I walk, I see people frantically trying to get their class schedules finalized, burning holes in their wallets, or looking for a job. While attending college, many of life’s important decisions are brought to the forefront, and we are constantly looking out for ourselves. We are worrying about our homework, our jobs and our relationships.

All of these are definitely worth our time, but what about trying to give back to Cache Valley, this beautiful place where we work, study and live? There is something a little more than just us out there, and we should pursue something bigger than ourselves by serving our community and making it better for everyone that lives here.

That is where the ASUSU Val R. Christensen Service Center comes in. Located on the 3rd floor of the Taggart Student Center, the ASUSU Service Center houses 16 different service programs for Utah State students. USU students have been volunteering at the Service Center for over 20 years, and have helped thousands of less fortunate people. There are programs at the Service Center to help any one from the elderly, to children, to the mentally handicapped. It provides a fun, inviting atmosphere, where anyone can come in and find an opportunity to serve.

Now you are probably laughing at the warm-fuzzy feeling that I am trying to create, but in reality, service has a lot of perks. For starters, serving gives you a sense of purpose-a feeling that you have made a difference. Yet, that isn’t the only reason to serve: service looks great on resumes and is required on many scholarship applications. You can get a Service Learning Certificate on your diploma and some classes even require that you do a service project to complete the course. So, despite the obvious feelings of self-satisfaction, service can benefit you in many ways.

The Service Center is a great tool to allow individuals to contribute to other people’s lives, but that’s not what this is about. It’s about serving and giving to the people that shape our valley’s diverse and culturally rich community. I believe that people are willing to serve but they’re just waiting for a clear opportunity and a little nudge. The Service Center is always here to give you the opportunity to serve. My job is to give you a nudge.

I’ll see you on the third floor.

Leah Enzler, ASUSU Service Vice President,