Need for Diversity

Mr. Westroeks “columns” usually leave me chuckling, his latest abomination, however, has left me angry. Mr. Westbroek claims that “the left” has hijacked the issue of diversity for political gain, and in doing so is racist. For shame. If one is going to claim political malpractice on the part of Democrats, that person had better reexamine the right. Whether a Republican believes in it or not, they have only to push a “Moral Majority” agenda to receive a hefty chunk of the vote. Ask Mr. Bush the benefit of appealing to Christian conservatives. Hypocrisy exists on both sides of the aisle Mr. Westbroek, it would be foolish not to think so. That aside, Mr. Westbroek implies not only that diversity and affirmative action are issues which are promoted by the left (automatically making them wrong) but that there is no need for them. I would like to call attention to this fact, pulled from the Deseret News; White households had a median net worth of greater than $88,000 in 2002, 11 times more than Hispanics and more than 14 times that of blacks. This is only one of the many reasons why affirmative action is absolutely necessary; to provide a level playing field among races and genders. The day that minorities and women are paid the same as my self and Mr. Westbroek will be the day that issues of diversity and affirmative action have run their course.