LETTER: Football needs fan support?

base for Utah State Football is deteriorating. Just look at the players being arrested for drug use and possession, and then on top if it the team states “they are being disciplined internally.”

“Internally” means a few words given by the Head coach to the public to make them feel better about law breaking citizens being allowed to represent a State college and a wonderful city. If it was any other person they would have punished them to the full extent and made sure they became an example of what will happen if you break the law.

This summer I also was at the Logan Aquatic Center and witnessed several football players engaging young kids in a water basketball game. Why is that such a bad thing? I don’t find anything wrong with that, but when name calling, be littling, and every four letter word known to man is used with ease, not to mention the crude remarks about the women around where they were playing is witnessed, there is a problem. I personally don’t want to support that type of image and I can understand why others have given up on a team that has shown no reason for support or a credible leg to stand on when it comes to being an example or representative for our school.

Brian Petersen