LETTER: Ron Paul’s ideas are scary

Roger Rincon

To the editor:

I was surprised at what I found in the Statesman on Wednesday. There was a report from the press summarizing the political views of all the presidential candidates. All the Democrats and Republican candidates seemed OK, except for one person, Ron Paul. One of our USU editorialists (who’s one of his staunch supporters) implies that the media has overlooked Ron Paul and that on occasion he’s been defamed. Well, there’s a reason for it. Ron Paul is a nut. He’s said things that are so embarrassing that the media has decided it’s best to leave him alone.

For instance, his stand on illegal immigrants, as reported in the Statesman: “No path to legalization, opposes government services, including hospitals and schools for illegal immigrant children. End birthright citizenship.”

Just what should we do with all these children? Throw them into the Atlantic? They’re not citizens of their ancestors’ countries and certainly don’t have rights there. His desires of an American purging would make Hitler proud. No. Human beings have a right to the land that they were born on regardless of whether they’re rich or poor or their race. The purpose of government is to protect humans on their land.

The next irritation I have with this candidate is his libertarian persuasions. He wants to cut the power of the federal government by getting rid of all kinds of taxes, laws and social services for the poor. This is bad. A strong federal government brings stability to our banks and economy. It has served America well, and much progression that wouldn’t have come otherwise, has occurred because of the strong power in Washington. If there wasn’t strong central power, Little Rock Central High would have never integrated. Civil rights wouldn’t be here. Women’s rights wouldn’t be here. Polygamy would be much more wide spread. There wouldn’t be labor laws or OSHA.

I could go on and on. A strong central government has served us well and has protected all the different groups of people who call themselves Americans. God bless America and God bless our federal government!

Roger Rincon