Re: Handouts in a Different Light


I must take the time to respond to the ignorance displayed in Ryan Mahan’s letter to the editor (Nov. 19). I don’t assume that Mr. Mahan is an idiot per se, but that his knowledge, or lack there of, on the subject of people with disabilities, shows that he IS ignorant on the subject.

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 was a bi-partisan bill supported by such conservative champions as Utah’s own Orrin Hatch and Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens. So Mr. Mahan is wrong when he rants that providing ramps and parking spots are all a part of liberal ideology, it is nothing more than reasonable people in society finding a way to make the lives of those who are less fortunate among us, somewhat less burdensome.

I won’t take the time to respond to Mr. Mahan’s attacks on the disabled, whom he described as “lazy”. I think that 99% of the USU student body and faculty know how preposterous this generalization of a group of people is and probably feel as sorry for Mr. Mahan’s as I do in regards to his prejudices against the disabled and their needs.

This weekend, Mr. Mahan should have gone to the HYPER building to watch all the “lazy” children who suffer from disabilities give it their all in the Special Olympics competition. Here was a chance for Mr. Mahan to gain some real insight into the abilities of the disabled and how much harder it is for these kids to participate in activities that we take for granted as being “recreational”. Maybe Mr. Mahan could just spend a day with my three year old daughter who was born with Spina Bifida and can only move around with the assistance of a walker or the use of a wheelchair.

Regardless, Mr. Mahan lacks the insight and knowledge to speak intelligently on the issues of the disabled. It is sad that college educated people can be so uninformed on issues so important.

Chris CorderoStudent ID 431416736797-6598