LETTER: Leave God out of it

Justin Reeves

To the editor:

Hello fellow Aggies. I graduated from USU in ’06 and am currently employed in Utah County (trying to get a job in Logan soon I assure you). With the upcoming BYU vs. USU football game (I’ve got my tickets) I feel I should write and plead with my fellow Aggie fans to make this work.

The Utah and BYU rivalry has become a joke. It has been ruined because many fans on both sides make it about religion. By bringing that element in, fans act like idiots and people offend and take offense.

The Aggies, in my opinion, are now the premiere football team in the state. I love our fans and enjoyed years of great games in the Spectrum. Cheer against BYU. Yell, Scream, get loud, but please, let’s keep all religious references out of it.

Offensive posters and cheers geared towards getting a rise out of players and fans based on religion are both tasteless and classless. We are better than that. We want this BYU vs. USU football rivalry to continue for years to come. It gives great exposure to both teams, especially when we get ESPN on Friday nights.

We are better than the Ute fans that cheer obnoxiously during the prayer when the game is played in Provo. We don’t mock another religion with signs. We wouldn’t do it against Notre Dame, we won’t do it against BYU.

Keep it classy Aggies, beat them on the field, beat them with your voices, but if we bash religion as part of it, the rivalry will end – and that would be a pity.

– Justin Reeves