
Aggie Gymnastics takes third at Brigham Young



Before the Aggies’ final event of Saturday’s meet, Utah State senior Rebecca Holliday huddled her team together.

“I circled the girls up and said ‘Let’s get out and get it, let’s hit vault,'” Holliday said.

Holliday’s pep talk must have done something. Five gymnasts tied or bested their career

high scores on the apparatus.

The Aggies’ last-second heroics weren’t enough for the team win, though. Brigham Young University won the tri-meet with a score of 194.1, the Southern Utah Thunderbirds came in second with 193.925, and the Aggies rounded out the lineup, scoring 193.625.

Holliday had a big meet for Utah State, tying for first on beam with 9.825. The senior also scored well enough for second in the all-around with a 38.925

“She had a spectacular meet,” USU head coach Jeff Richards said.

The Aggies opened up their first meet away from home in more than a month on bars — an event they have been consistent in all season — and they still have a hold on the top bars average in the Western Athletic Conference thanks to their big routines.

Saturday, however, the Aggies faltered and picked up lower scores than they are used to seeing.

“It’s our most comfortable event, we should have done better,” Richards said.

Junior Amelia Montoya flipped to a 9.800 — good enough to tie for second on the event.

“Amelia Montoya had a great meet on bars,” Richards said.

On beam, the Aggies picked up their third-best score of the season with a 48.025. Holliday led the Aggies with a 9.825. It was her third-straight week of scoring above 9.8 on the event.

Utah State freshman Susie Miller landed a 9.825, just short of her career high, to claim the floor crown.

On their final rotation of the night the Aggies came out big. Amanda Watamaniuk led off with a 9.750, before Holliday posted the same score.

Freshman Kaitlyn Betts joined the career-high party, scoring a 9.625. Miller landed her second career best of the night with a 9.725, before freshman Sarah Landes tied her own career high with a 9.750.

“We finished strong, but we didn’t open like we should have,” Richards said of the last rotation. “We got it together in the end.”

Holliday said she felt Utah State’s struggles could be attributed to the long home stand before hitting the road. The Aggies were at home for four straight home meets before traveling to Provo.

“You get into a routine and know what you need to do on that equipment,” Holliday said.

Her coach agreed.

“We are a young and hesitant team, and tonight it was more so,” Richards said.

