Voting Days

To the editor:

As a young, undecided voter I’m being “wooed” by political candidates for my vote. I’d just like to say that I would like to break up. I’m sorry but you have just done a bad job of wooing me. We had our moment but it’s not working out. Please just leave me alone.

As I am single, I guess I don’t know much about wooing. However, I do know that it requirescompliments, flowers and chocolate: sweet stuff. However, many election things that arehappening are not sweet stuff. I do my best to keep up with the “issues” but as a full-timestudent with two jobs I can neither read every newspaper nor watch all the cable commentators. Apparently, the media is biased or fraudulent anyway. When I do have a chance to read something, it seems the presidential candidates having nothing nice to say. They don’t reallyseem to present well why their particular platform is best nor how they will implement it. They’ve given me several reasons not to vote for either side. This isn’t attractive. And I realize, even with everyone screaming at me to vote, my one little vote from Utah will not change any presidential elections.

Some people say that I can make an impact in local elections. However, the decision is no easier. The gubernatorial candidates seem very similar. They are sending the same flowers and candy. There’s no way of knowing who will do the better job even with my vote.

Once the wooers have gotten what they wanted from me, they disappear. I’ve written lettersand, if they write back, say there’s nothing they can do about rising school costs. I’m notapathetic to the “issues,” just annoyed at everything going on around me. I have heard I can’t complain if I don’t vote so maybe I’ll vote so I can retain that privilege. But I have to wash my hair.

Paul M. Schmidt1258 Mountain RoadLogan, UT 84321(435)232-9529Student number: 528-75-7218