Response to Ms. Fisher’s Letter

I agree with Ms. Fisher’s theory that homosexuality isn’t inborn. I don’t recall any of my homosexual friend’s parents begin homosexuals, or anyone in their immidiate family for that matter. We all know, as well, that lesbians do not bare only homosexual children.What I do disagree with is her illustration of her two homosexual friends. It is a well-known act that children who are sexually molested have a tendency to become homosexuals later in life. But not all homosexuals have been molested. The illustration of her friend who was nurtured into becoming a homosexual is completely unbelievable. Why would anyone want to become a part of one of, if not the most discriminated against demographics in our society? It sounds more like her friend always was homosexual and eventually accepted it. Everyone treating this person like he or she was a homosexual probably made it easier.

The Bible says that homosexuality is an abomonation. Homosexuality existed before the Bible did, so why would God create something he would later damn? To test us? Ahh, as long as the conclusion reaches what God says, I suppose it makes it right. I thought we were leaving religion out of this arguement?

Ms. Fisher, have you ever heard of a soul? I wonder if you spent a day in the life of a homosexual if that would change your mind. I wonder if you saw your homosexual friend cry and loathe himself for being the only way he can be, the way he was born, if you might change your mind about condemning homosexual behavior. You might be able to accept someone as a person, but you cannot fully accept or love someone until you accept them wholly. That means every aspect of their person, homosexual or not.