Fuentes named top Aggie

Julie Ann Grosshans

Utah Statesman: Since this is the third time you have been Utah State Athlete of the Week, is there anyone else on the team you would nominate for the honor?

Jose Fuentes: Just everyone on my team, especially the offense. My receivers make up great passes and when the running backs get the running game going, it opens up a passing game for me. I can’t really single out one guy.

US: What was your first job?

JF: I’ve never worked. Well, I had a job once, at Taco Bell in the summer for a month. My dad wanted me to concentrate on football, though.

US: What is the best vacation you’ve taken?

JF: Probably when I was younger and I went to Mexico to my mom’s hometown. It was Christmas and we just had so much fun there.

US: Who is the most famous person you’ve met?

JF: I’d have to say Sinbad. [It was] when I was little at Disneyland. I didn’t know who he was, but my friend did. When we met him I didn’t really care, but I saw him on TV two weeks later and I was like, ‘oh crap.’

US: How did you meet your fiancée?

JF: High school. I had her in a class and we used to tease each other and make fun of each other all the time. Then we started dating my sophomore year of high school.

US: What did you think of playing your final game at Romney Stadium?

JF: I thought it was exciting. We won of course so that was great. And my friends, family and my fiancée’s family were there, so it was just a great time.

US: Whom are you cheering for to win the Super Bowl?

JF: The Raiders. They’ve got some vets, so they’ve got to do it soon.

US: What do fans do at other stadiums that you wish Aggie fans would do here?

JF: I wish that the student section were sitting behind the other team instead of behind us to heckle them. That’s what other schools do and you hear them talking and I know our fans would be doing that. If somehow we could switch sidelines, I’d like to see that.

US: Who do you think will stand out on the team next year?

JF: Probably James [Samuel] and Richard [Watson], and [Travis] Cox knows the offense pretty dang well so he should be good, too.

US: Who has had the greatest influence on your football career?

JS: Probably my older brother [Richard]. I’ve been watching him play. He taught me the roots and getting me into the sport and playing quarterback. He really got me involved.
