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End-of-semester affirmation needed

There’s a YouTube video that I’m fond of from 2009 called “Jessica’s ‘Daily Affirmation.'” In it, a toddler with a mop of curly blonde hair stands atop her bathroom counter, looks herself in the eyes and declares resolutely, “I can do anything good, yeah, yeah, I can do anything good, better than anyone.”

This comes after she lists an impressive lineup of good things in her in life: “I like my hair, I like my haircuts, I like my stuff, I like my room, I like my whole house.” She’s adorable and inspiring and you should go watch the video now, especially if you’ve been awake for nearly 24 hours and could use a boost other than the unholy quantity of caffeine currently running through your veins.

With just three weeks left of the semester, I’d venture a guess that I’m not the only one embracing the sleep-deprived and heavily-caffeinated lifestyle. As the semester wanes, I’m feeling more overwhelmed than excited about summer because of the amount of work to get done before it arrives.

So, to combat that ache of dread in my gut, I’m going to take a page from Jessica’s book and give myself a daily affirmation right here. I’m doing it here instead of in front of my bathroom mirror because two of my four roommates are asleep and this could get rowdy. Feel free as you follow along to substitute my name with your own and let the shared good vibes of affirmation chase away our stress monsters together.

Noelle, you are smart and capable. You can do whatever you put your mind to. It may help to put your mind to something other than watching Jimmy Fallon videos on YouTube when you’re supposed to be working on an essay due tomorrow. Regardless, you’re the real “pro” in procrastination.

Girl, those yoga classes are really working. You look good, Noelle, and your peaceful composure after a practice hides the sleep-deprived craze from your eyes almost completely. Keep it up.

If it really does take only 21 days to make a habit stick, you can solve all your problems with organization and time management in the next three weeks. Of course, classes will be out by then, and you won’t have the constant barrage of homework, work and extracurriculars to fret over. Still, think of what a functional member of society you’ll be. Your mom would be so proud, Noelle.

Your best friend said your new haircut makes you look like a Carey Mulligan doppelgänger, which is the best compliment you can imagine. Own it.

You are doing great things, Noelle. Don’t let what you have left to do overshadow what you’ve already accomplished. What’s more, think of how much “Gilmore Girls” you’ll be able to binge watch once you do finish up those final tasks of the semester. You can add “successfully watched a seven-season series during a single academic school year while somehow pulling off good grades” to your list of achievements.

Finally, Noelle, don’t forget the advice you received recently about mindfulness and living in the present. Stop worrying about your unknown future or even tomorrow’s to-do list. Experience each moment as you live it, and the rest will work itself out. After all, you can do anything good.

Noelle is a senior in Spanish and print journalism. She graduates in August, hopefully. Send encouragements and/or motivational cat posters to or on Twitter @broelle.