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Advice: how to make the most of your summer

He says:

Some people spend their summers watching Netflix while scrolling Instagram and looking at their friends’ pictures taken on the beach. Others venture as far as St. George, almost making it out of the state. Then there are those who actually land halfway across the country, but end up knocking doors trying to sell security systems.

In other words, we all have very different plans for summer break. My only advice is that you don’t forget that it’s summer break.

Yes, that means you can put aside your mundane lifestyle of school and work to enjoy some time off. What’s the best way to take a break? Here are my suggestions:

Learn a new hobby. Remember that thing you said you were going to learn how to do three months ago? Rock climbing, maybe? Or perhaps it was golfing. Whatever it is, this is your perfect opportunity to set time aside and learn something new. Dive right in and spend your free time getting better. You have until August before major responsibility begins again.

Go on a road trip. We have all imagined packing up for a week and driving across the country. You can now make that dream a reality. Grab a couple of close friends, load up on peanut butter, jelly and bread and head out. You don’t even need a final destination. You only need a car, some cash for fuel, caffeinated beverages and good company.

Read a book, but for fun. I know this may not sound appealing to those of you who’ve had your noses stuck in engineering textboos for the last four months, but reading something you actually enjoy is entirely different. Reread the entire Harry Potter series, or begin the “A Song of Fire and Ice” series, better known as Game of Thrones. Get lost in a book, just like you did in fourth grade.

Find the best ice cream in Logan. This has been highly debated for years. Is it indeed Aggie Ice Cream? Or are Charlie’s shakes even better? And don’t forget to clean the sink at Angie’s. Spend a few days with your friends searching out the valley’s absolute best desserts.

Most of all, just enjoy every second that you have away from school. We all love Utah State, but let it go for a couple of months. I promise everything will still be around in August.

Colten is a junior majoring in technical writing. His life is perfect, so you can take his advice. Submit questions or advice requests at coltenvantussenbrook@gmail.com or on Twitter @coltvant.

She says:

With finals week approaching, the last thing on your mind is planning ahead for summer. But have you ever found yourself at the last week of August wondering where it all went, wishing that you could go back and actually do something with your summer?

Instead of just trying to make it to the weekend or waiting around for other people to make plans, here are some suggestions on how you can get the most out of your summer.

If you are staying in Logan for the summer, find other people who are also staying. It’s all about connections, and who you know could either make or break your summer. Get to know the people that live near you, especially people with pool and hot tub connections because everyone enjoys a good pool party. Not only will these people be your best friends in the summer, but you could find yourself with a whole new addition of friends for next fall semester as well.

Hiking in Logan is phenomenal in the summer. Go hiking and go often. Some of the best hiking trails are also some of the closest to Logan. The Wind Caves trail is always a popular choice, but if you want some breathtaking views, the Crimson Trail is a great option. Some other popular hiking trails include Spring Hollow Trail and Green Canyon. Make sure that you go with lots of people because hiking is always better with others. Also remember to take a camera because some of the sights you will see you won’t find anywhere else.

If you are into sports, get a group of friends and join an intramural team. Many sports, from soccer to volleyball, are offered in the summer. This is a great way to meet new people and get some good exercise.

Logan is also really close to many water sources such as Bear Lake, Porcupine Reservoir and Logan River. These places are great for boating, fishing and tubing. You can also check out the different hot springs, such as Lava Hot Springs and Crystal Hot Springs.

No matter what you end up doing this summer, make sure that you get out and enjoy summer in Logan because before you know it, fall semester will be here quicker than you can say “summer vacation.”

Alyssa Hawkins is a freshman majoring in journalism. She’s an avid Disney junkie, unapologetic organizer and a lover of all things chocolate. Send questions or advice requests to alyssa.hawkins@aggiemail.usu.edu or on Twitter: @_alyssahawkins.