USUSA unanimously passes bill changing Capital and Support funding
The Utah State University Student Association (USUSA) executive council unanimously passed a bill on March 22 concerning the Capital and Support review and allocation.
The ECB 2016-06 bill creates a formal committee to review and allocate all Capital and Support requests. The legislation also updated outdated policies.
Previously, the USUSA executive council was required to process and approve Capital and Support requests. The process was time-consuming and confusing, the bill stated. Last minute requests needing to be passed in one reading require the suspension of house rules that states every legislation should be read through twice. The bill makes the funding process simpler and clearer.
“I wrote the Capital and Support bill because the process took a while and I felt like it could be streamlined,” said USUSA President Trevor Olsen. “It took upwards of three weeks to approve funding when it could be done in a matter of days. We are hoping this streamlined process will encourage more groups to apply for the funding and better their programming.”
Capital and Support funds are provided through student fees and the bill acknowledges strong supervision should be given to the decisions of funding. Before the Capital and Support monies are allocated, requesting parties are required to exhaust all other resources for funding, according to the bill. The funding must benefit all students, and funding is not to be allocated to the same organization in consecutive years.
In the executive council meeting, a concern was brought up about how sports teams receive funding for returning years. In answer it was stated that teams haven’t gone to nationals in consecutive years and therefore has not been an issue to this point.
The Capital and Support Review/Allocation Committee (CSRAC) will be chaired by the USUSA President and other USUSA committee members, including Executive VP, Student Advocate VP, Graduate Studies Senator, Athletics and Campus Recreation VP, Senate Pro-Tempore and a senator to be appointed by the USUSA President.
In 1996, the Capital and Support Fund was created to fund capital projects at Utah State. Most of the legislation formalizing which parties receive Capital and Support funds were passed in 1998. The 2016 bill updated policies from the 1998 legislation.
Disadvantages include fewer officers overseeing the funding requests and more responsibilities for other officers.
A copy of this bill and any USUSA legislation is available on the USUSA website at