
What I wish I knew as a Freshman: Dorm Survival

Freshman year is notorious for being one of the most difficult transitions in a student’s life. Just as it was in high school, freshmen are thrown into a new environment with elevated academic expectations and social pressures.
The independence that accompanies college can often be overwhelming in the first year away from home, and frequent phone calls to parents over malfunctioning laundry or a cooking mishap are common occurrences. Another integral part of the freshman experience is dormitory life. Random roommates can turn into lifelong friends or horror stories, and the dishes heaped in your communal sink never seem to end.
Remedying dorm room woes can be tricky, and having tension between roommates over cleaning the bathroom can sour any freshman year. Learning how to compromise and coexist with roommates is almost as important as learning how to function independently in your new university setting.
One of the biggest tips in avoiding a roommate disaster is communication. Simple as it sounds, talking honestly to your roommates can solve a lot of problems before they get too big to handle. Remember that the majority of people you will meet during your freshman year are used to being taken care of to a certain extent, and being on your own is new and scary. Minimize things like passive aggressive notes, gossip about other roommates and avoiding conflict. Instead, lay out ground rules and talk to your roommates face to face. Notes and texts have their place in dorm life, but nothing gets your true intentions across like a conversation.
After establishing those roomie relationships, the next step to a successful dorm experience is exploration. Get to know the location of a few key areas and you’ll save time later. The laundry room, a good study zone and where to go to ask questions should all be on your mental map as you begin your dorm experience.
Putting yourself out there and trying new things is an essential college skill, especially in the dorms where everyone is looking to expand their surroundings. Utah State University’s website offers plenty of tools to help research the different residence options, both on and off campus. It is important to evaluate all of the available choices in order to make the most of where you choose to live. Once you settle on a dorm, explore what your new place has to offer. Most student housing comes with a variety of amenities from hot tubs to fire pits so there is always something to engage in. Channel your inner yes-man and go on adventures, meet new people and make priceless memories.
Once you get out of your comfort zone, it’s nice to have a place to retreat to. Although you might share your room, you have your own space to make your own away from all of the freshmen frenzy. Invest in decorations and a mattress topper, and let your dorm room highlight your personality. You don’t have to stick to the basic Christmas lights and tapestry, get creative! Keep sites like Pinterest in your back pocket and learn to navigate the local thrift store to create the dorm room of your dreams. Keeping your space personal helps with everything from studying to sleep so do not underestimate the power of interior design.
The dorms can be a great place to start college living. The social atmosphere is perfect for creating lasting friends and finding new ways to spend your time. Like everything else in college, your choices can make dorms the best or the worst way to live. It is up to you to make the most of the situation, so get excited and have an amazing freshman year.

— smithcaroline405@gmail.com