Letter to editor

Climate Resolution

In 2010, the Utah State Legislature passed a joint resolution denying climate change. The resolution stated: “This joint resolution of the Legislature urges the United States Environmental Protection Agency to cease its carbon dioxide reduction policies, programs, and regulations until climate data and global warming science are substantiated.”

A few weeks ago, students from Utah State University and Logan High School proposed a new resolution to legislators at the annual “Maps on the Hill” event at the state capitol. This new resolution acknowledges that climate change is happening and outlines steps Utah can take to address it on the state level. The resolution was successfully sponsored, received a number (SJR 009) and will be voted on in the Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Committee possibly next week.

Over 600 elementary to college age Utah students as well as many Utah residents have signed a petition in support of the resolution. When the resolution is voted on, many of them plan to attend the hearing to show their support for SJR 009 and testify more broadly why it is incredibly important to acknowledge that climate change is happening and plan for both climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.

To support this resolution, go to Change.org and search for ‘Support Utah’s Student-Led Climate Resolution’. For more information on the resolution or to receive notification of the time and date when the resolution is to be voted on, email logchristian@gmail.com.

— Logan Christian is a senior in Environmental Studies with minors in Geography and Sustainable Systems. He is also the Co-President of Student Organization for Society and Natural Resources and is an active grassroots organizer for various environmental initiatives around the state of Utah.