
The Quad remains in the dark

Some students have noticed the Quad turns into a field of darkness at night, which is discouraging. So why doesn’t the Quad have any lights? 

Utah State University Student Association (USUSA) executive vice president, Dexton Lake, has a special interest in this problem. Lake’s interest in the lighting situation at the Quad started when he noticed a pattern to students’ complaints about the field.

“Whether they are walking through it, biking or even just passing by, the darkness of that area is making a lot of students uncomfortable,” Lake said.

With this in mind, Lake started to press the university to add lights to the Quad. “We don’t want to put in big stadium lights,” Lake said. “We just want something to improve the situation without changing the Quad too much.”

Despite the push from Lake and other students, the Quad will not be seeing a lighting upgrade. Earlier this year, representatives from USUSA, the USU Police Department, USU Risk Management and USU Facilities came together and walked the campus at night to review and prioritize areas that may be in need of better lighting.  

“We then choose the areas we feel are the highest priority,” USU Facilities electrical engineer Mark Holt said. He manages the addition and upgrades of exterior lighting. 

The Quad, while on the list of considerations, did not make it to the final cut of areas that need to be improved this year, but other parts of campus will be getting a renovation. 

“The new lights will be centered around Old Main Hill, multiple walkways and staircases around campus,” Holt said. 

Lake plans to continue his push for better lighting in the Quad. “It’s going to be a process, but I am hoping to be around to help it along,” Lake said. ”With student support, we should be able to get school support as well.”  

“Facilities really does a great job on campus, and they are great to work with,” Lake said. “We just need some student support.”