
First confirmed COVID-19 death in the university community announced

After a month-long battle with COVID-19, a former Utah State University professor and the Utah Water Research Lab director died Friday in the Washington, D.C. area, according to a news release from Utah State University.

L. Douglas James’ death marks the first death in the USU community that the university has confirmed.

“Doug was a wonderful friend and mentor, so thoughtful of the field and of people,” said Upmanu Lall, a professor of engineering and director of the Columbia Water Center at Columbia University. “I owe the transition in my career to him. He created the opportunity and quietly supported and encouraged my work and that of so many others.”

James’ wife, a fellow USU alumna, said the couple contracted coronavirus while on a Nile River cruise.

Before assuming his position at USU, James served on the faculty at University of Kentucky and was a professor with the Environmental Resources Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology, the press release said.

“He served as director of the Utah Water Research Laboratory from 1976 to 1992 where he championed several important initiatives including the Sustained Drought Project on the Colorado River, a program that still impacts Colorado water issues today,” the release states.

Friends and colleagues can leave thoughts and wishes at this online memorial site at