
Five ways to make the most of the new year

As this year comes to an end, it is natural to spend time reflecting on the things 2021 brought us and how we can improve in 2022. 

Many new year’s resolutions get forgotten and neglected within the first week of a new year. This could be due to a variety of things, such as overconfidence, a lack of planning or simply just not being ready for change.  

People often spend so much time at the end of the year trying to figure out ways that they can improve for the next one, that they forget about all of the amazing things they did accomplish. Make sure you give yourself the credit you deserve. You made it through another 365 days — through a pandemic, I might add.  

Making the most out of something means achieving the most happiness through what you already have. Let 2022 be the year where we don’t try and force change upon ourselves  — living our best lives in ways that are healthy and achievable. 

Here are 5 ways you can make the most out of 2022: 

  1. Live as authentically as you can.

2022 shouldn’t be the year where you are pretending to be somebody you aren’t just to please others. Let your opinions be spoken this year, listen to yourself, let go of patterns that are holding you back, and look at your values and beliefs and live them. 

Authenticity is something that we lose in our attempts to fit in. There are a variety of factors that drive us away from our authentic self, such as our peers, religion, our childhoods, etc. Because of this, it is something that takes time to develop — so be patient with yourself.  

The biggest thing you can focus on is making sure you are being honest with yourself and with others in all aspects of your life. Once you do this your authentic self can flourish. 

  1. Make “yes” your favorite word.

Something you learn in any improv class is to always say yes, no matter what and go with what your scene partner puts out there. While you don’t have to say yes to everything in your life, opening yourself up to the idea of it can open the door to many opportunities. 

As people we often find the things that we find comfortable and stick with them — it’s just human nature! But opportunities don’t just come to you, and you have to be willing to say yes every now and then.  

  1. Be open to the idea of therapy.

There is not a single person who would not benefit from therapy, and 2022 is the perfect year to consider the idea of getting one — as it is not just helpful for people in crisis. It can be a way to maintain a healthy lifestyle and have some extra support.  

Pushing yourself to have communication about hard topics can be very helpful, as well as push you towards being more authentic. Therapy can help you improve your communication skills, which is something that is important in all aspects of your life.  

Relying on your friends and family for all of your support and help can take a toll on your relationships. Having a professional person to rant to can be a healthy way to maintain your relationships with the people you love. 

  1. Find ways to perform acts of kindness.

Those who do things for others are said to be the happiest. Therefore, if you want 2022 to be the year where happiness is a familiar feeling in your life, finding ways to serve others and your community is one of the best things you can do.

There are many ways you can do this. You can volunteer at a local non-profit organization, spend your time with somebody who is lonely, or even just find ways to serve the people around you. You can do something as simple as bringing your neighbor a plate of cookies to get to know them. 

 Making others smile will in return make you smile — it’s science! 

  1. Understand that fresh starts aren’t just in the new year.

Every single day of 2022 can be a fresh start. Jan. 1 isn’t the only day when you can create new goals for yourself. Don’t let bumps in the road hold you back, and realize that growth happens over time.  

Every day is an opportunity to reinvent yourself, develop new skills, and hone the skills that you already have.