
Chakra 101: Better balanced lives at USU Uintah Basin Vernal Campus

On Thursday nights from Sept. 21 to Nov 2, people search for a more harmonious way of life through a 7-week Chakra 101 workshop. This course at Utah State University’s Uintah Basin Vernal Campus focuses on internal intuition, unblocking energy and furthering understanding of chakras. 

Tessie Bridges, Reiki Master and teacher, is the course’s instructor. Bridges has been part of the Reiki Membership Association since 2013 and has lots of experience and knowledge of chakras.

“Chakra is from Sanskrit, meaning ‘wheel’ or ‘disk.’ I like to explain Chakras as spinning vortexes of energy metaphysically linked to the human body at the spine, from the tailbone to the crown of one’s head,” Bridges wrote in a response. 

“Each chakra is a moderator of energy, continually sending and receiving energy,” Bridges wrote. 

Bridges also explained what Reiki is and the other words people associate it with.

“My response is Reiki is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that promotes healing. It is the belief that a life force (unseen) energy flows through all living things and affects a person’s quality of life. Many names, such as Chi in Chinese, Prana in Sanskrit, and biofield in science, are known as this life force energy,” Bridges wrote. 

Reiki can do a lot for people in restoring proper energy flow.

“When a person’s energy is low, it is more difficult for the person to deal with stress and more challenging for the body to heal, and thus, you are more susceptible to illness. When a person’s energy is high, it can flow without disruptions, making it easier for the body to heal,” Bridges wrote.

Becoming a Reiki Master took a serious amount of time and hard work, but Bridges was dedicated and completed the task.

 “When I first became interested in Reiki, classes were not available via Zoom or online. All classes, training, practices, and tests were done in person. Then, a person had to wait a year before moving up to the next level, generally giving Reiki Sessions during that year. A year between each level, four levels total. By the time I received my Master’s level, things had changed, and I did not have to wait a year,” Bridges wrote. 

Bridges also went above and beyond, getting certified at many levels. Mastery and training is very important to her. 

“I completed my training with Lisa StarAhna at Healing Light Training Center in Utah in 2012 and received my Master’s Certification in the Usui Tibetan Reiki. In 2015, I became a Registered Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master. In 2020, I completed my Holy Fire® III training for Reiki I & II, Reiki Master, and Karuna Reiki®,” Bridges wrote.  

Bridges’ extensive knowledge sparked an idea of community outreach. She started the course and used Lisa StarAhna’s book as a guide when she first designed a class. It has since grown as she’s gained experience. 

Molly Ellender, the campus engagement program coordinator for the Uintah Basin campuses, shared how the class has taken off. 

“USU Uintah Basin has made a strategic goal to offer community education courses as a way to engage not only our students but all members of our service area with our campuses,” Ellender wrote. “We are excited to have a course with so much interest. Our plan is to offer one to two courses each fall and spring semester. We are working with community members through surveys, Facebook posts, etc., to garner community interest.”

The rewards of this class have been clear to the attendants. Vanessa Liesik, a director of Statewide and USU Online Recruitment for Statewide Campuses and workshop participant, shared what got her interested in the class and what she has learned. 

“I have been dealing with a long-standing surgical complication and I have been researching alternative ways to heal and cope. For me, there has been a self-care aspect to learning about the chakras,” Liesik wrote. “I enjoy spending time each week focusing on and learning about one specific area of the body and its corresponding chakra.” 

Tiffany Ivie, Business Assistant I on Utah State University’s Uintah Basin Roosevelt Campus, also participates in the course. She shared how beneficial it has been for her to learn about balancing energy. 

“To expand my knowledge in this area. I am always looking for natural ways to help bring balance to the stress and anxiety of life,” Ivie wrote. “I believe it is important to have an understanding of how thoughts and feelings can affect our body.”

The attendees also noted how well-organized and accessible Chakra 101 is. 

“Tessie is a wonderful teacher. She spends a lot of time each week preparing for the class,” Liesik wrote. “I look forward to attending her class every week because of the atmosphere she provides in the classroom as well as the subject matter she will be teaching. Western medicine is amazing and a modern miracle, but I have appreciated Tessie’s knowledge and teaching me how to tend to my own health, mental state and relations with others.”

Chakras are only sometimes understood by the public. Still, this class clarifies these complex topics and shows how important it is to be mindful of the body and how physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health are linked. 

“Our bodies speak to us constantly; we do not know how to listen,” Bridges wrote. “As people become more familiar with the unique qualities of each chakra and their bodies intuitively, they can begin to clear and balance their energy. This will help them live a healthier, harmonious, and balanced life. After all, when a person’s energy level is low, the body has to fight harder to stay healthy.”  

A class thatlike this mainly focuses on becoming more aware of the body and being prepared to take on life.  

“For most of us, we have a tendency to be concerned about what has happened in the past or what may become of the future,” Ivie wrote. “This can help us to be more present in the moment.” 

 Those interested can learn more about Reiki sessions with Tessie Bridges at https://www.nspiringenergy.com/reiki-sessions nspiringenergy.com/reiki-sessions