Our View: Our stance on statewide

The Sept. 23, 2024 edition of The Utah Statesman is the seventh iteration of our special statewide editions. The first statewide edition was published during the fall 2022 semester. The purpose of these special issues is to provide coverage to satellite campuses that would not necessarily have the platform otherwise.  

The mission of USU Student Media is, “to inform and entertain the public while training and developing our students.” Reporters at the Statesman found it difficult to get in contact with sources and find information on happenings at Utah State University campuses statewide.  

“I found it very difficult to reach out to the Blanding campus,” wrote reporter Bailey Daniels. “Despite trying to connect with an array of different departments and workers via phone and email I did not receive responses. Even when told they’d be happy to have an interview, they would end up never responding again which was disappointing. It would be great to include other campuses in the Statesman, but they do not make it easy.”  

We acknowledge and appreciate those sources who did respond and of the estimated 30 sources that were continuously reached out to for interviews and information for statewide coverage, over half did not respond.  

Sports editor Ashley Dorius wrote that she encountered several obstacles with her work this year and in previous years as a reporter.  

“As a reporter and current editor, I encountered several obstacles with statewide stories.  

As a reporter, I would scour the internet to find contacts for my stories. After 14 search tabs and enough research to write a dissertation, I would not have much to go on. The times I was able to find and connect with a source, they seemed reluctant to contribute or would take an extended period to respond, which would cut into the crucial time necessary for writing, interviewing and pursuing other leads. The entire process would stall, and I’d become frustrated as the deadline loomed. My work became rushed, less diverse and lacking in the quality the story deserves.” 

Statesman reporter Mikey Bishop said he found himself grasping at straws to receive a response or interview from sources he reached out to.  

“The greatest joy I have experienced as a reporter has come from seeing how the exposure my story provided has positively affected the article’s subject. Writing a statewide story can help the reader understand the importance and impact the underrepresented groups or clubs at Utah State can have on them and the Utah State community,” Bishop said. “The information needed to write an accurate story depicting the subject’s needs is immense; however, the possibility of gathering the necessary information is close to zero.” 

Dorius said she appreciates the sources who have collaborated with us and thanks to their contributions and cooperation, the Utah Statesman has had the opportunity to spotlight moments of community and newsworthy events across campuses.  

“Our role of creating a compelling and accurate newspaper that reflects the diversity of the USU community is not one we take lightly,” Dorius said. “We are committed to featuring all sides of the Aggie and Eagle family and will continue our efforts to do so.” 

The Utah Statesman is committed to coverage spanning all 31 campuses. Regardless of our recent difficulties, we will continue to exhaust ourselves to provide Utah State’s underrepresented groups with the attention they deserve. 


-The Editorial Board  



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